What time can I arrive to Nunyara on the 17th January to get settled and find my room?
Registrations will be open at Nunyara from 10.00am. As you arrive you’ll receive a lanyard, a copy of the program and be shown to your room.
Do we get lunch when we arrive to Nunyara on the 17th January?
Yes. Lunch will be served from 12.30pm – 1.30pm. This cost is included in your registration.
What time does the program start for NYALC on the 17th January?
The opening will begin promptly at 2.00pm.
Will someone pick me up from the airport or do I need to find my own way to Nunyara?
If you are flying into Adelaide on the 17th January, the Assembly will organise for someone to pick you up from Adelaide Airport and take you to Nunyara. We will remind you to send your flight details to us closer to the date.
Do I need to organise my own transport to take me to the airport at the end of NYALC?
No. The Assembly will take all delegates who are catching flights back home on the 20th January to Adelaide Airport.
What time does NYALC finish on the 20th January?
The program will finish at 2.30pm. You will be served lunch on the last day.
What do I need to pack for NYALC?
Bible, pen, your favourite snacks, toiletries, sunscreen, hat, comfortable shoes and clothes.
Are there laundry facilities available at the conference site?
Yes. We’ll provide you with laundry powder. There is a cost of $4 to use the washing machine and dryer.
Preparing for Walking on Country 14th-17th January
What time does the Walking on Country experience start on the 14th January?
We will begin our Walking on Country experience at 2pm
What time will it finish on the 17th Jan? I don’t want to miss the start of NYALC.
The Walking on Country program will finish by 10.00am and a bus will transport all delegates attending NYALC to Nunyara. You will arrive in time for lunch.
If I’m flying in for the Walking on Country, how do I get to country from Adelaide Airport?
A bus will be waiting for you when you arrive at Adelaide airport on the 14th January and we will travel together to country. The Assembly will be in contact to check your flight details.